“Who and what am I?
Well for starters I am a human being.
A Male, made up of flesh and bones and body parts.
I have a distinct appearance and personality.
What’s more I am unique.
There has never ever been another person with my genes, my DNA my fingerprints.
However I am rather more than physical matter though put together in wondrous way.
I have thoughts and emotions. I can plan and contemplate.
Are these things purely the result of the chemical reactions of my body?
I think not.
In fact I ask myself, Am I really my body at all?
When I use the term I, what am I actually referring to?
I believe that I, the real ME lives IN my body.
I use my physical body to interact with the physical world.
In fact I refer to “MY” body as if I actually own it … in the same way as I own a car or a house. I think of it as a tool.
So who is this ME, This I inhabiting my mortal body?
I believe I am in fact a Spirit Being!
As such it is my belief that I came from a spiritual realm to take up residence in this mortal physical world by inhabiting a mortal physical body.
MY body.
The real I, as a Spirit Being, am in tune with the Spiritual World from which I have come. Of which I am a part and which is in fact my true home.
Yet even as a Spirit Being I am unique.
I have my own personality, traits and talents developed over ages in my pre-mortal spirit home.
I believe my LIFE FORCE, my consciousness, my thoughts my emotions - such as love and compassion, hope etc., originate not in this physical body but are intrinsic to my SPIRIT,…. the real I.
The real I, is immortal. A living conscious miracle.
I am experiencing life on Earth through my physical body. When I finally leave this body behind, I will be just as conscious as I am now, possibly more so, in my Spirit Body, in the Spirit realm.
Like all people I am in fact a child of God. Made in His image.
This is what I believe.
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